Learn parseInt Function & parseInt Function with Redix In JavaScript

Learn parseInt Function & parseInt Function with Redix In JavaScript

With Examples


2 min read

Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well. My name is Surya L, and the aim of this blog is to teach you all about parseInt Function & parseInt Function with Redix in JavaScript.

parseInt Function

The parseInt() function parses a string and returns an integer. Here's an example:

const a = parseInt("076");

The above function converts the string 076 to the integer 76. If the first character in the string can't be converted into a number, then it returns NaN.


function convertToInteger(str) {
return parseInt(str);


Converts the string value in the variable str to integer.

The Output of above code is ๐Ÿ‘‡


parseInt Function with a Radix

The parseInt() function parses a string and returns an integer. It takes a second argument for the radix, which specifies the base of the number in the string. The radix can be an integer between 2 and 36.

The function call looks like:


parseInt(string, radix);


const a = parseInt("11", 2);

According to the radix variable, 11 is in the binary system, or base 2. The string 11 is converted to an integer 3 in this example.

Program to convert binary numbers to integers

function convertToInteger(str) {
return parseInt(str,2);


The string 101 is equal to 5 in Binary System

Program to convert Octal numbers to integers

function convertToInteger(str) {
return parseInt(str,8);


The string 101 is equal to 65 in Binary System

Program to convert Hexa Decimal numbers to integers

function convertToInteger(str) {
return parseInt(str,16);


The string 101 is equal to 257 in Binary System


  1. The parseInt() function parses a string and returns an integer.
  2. It takes a second argument for the radix, which specifies the base of the number in the string. The radix can be an integer between 2 and 36.

Thanks for reading the blog. Do let me know what you think about it.

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Refernce: I learned this topics in FreeCodeCamp which I explained in minified version

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